The Richer Life Experience

The Cornerstone Of All Our Live Events

Is The Richer Life Experience


During this incredible live event, Dr. Rick C. Ernst delivers the latest and most current life success coaching and wealth building information to enhance your personal effectiveness allowing you to develop and maintain your winning edge for living the richer life.

This spectacular three day experience is attended by people from all over the world
who are looking to make a positive difference in their personal and professional lives.

At The Richer Life Experience

You Will Learn:

• To think like a millionaire

• The key ingredients that all self-made millionaires share

• How to eliminate your debts and recondition your mind for wealth and financial abundance

• A revolutionary new process of establishing effective and compelling specific goals and how to achieve them much faster

• Why some people rise to the pinnacle of success in spite of tremendous obstacles while others do not

• To use the same strategies used by many of the world’s top achievers to attain outstanding success and fulfillment

• To master the process of creative thinking which will enable you to make powerful
decisions and take actions that once seemed difficult

• The proven secrets to becoming financially independent


At this event you will experience

three of the most empowering,

educational, and entertaining

days of your life.

You will identify with absolute

precision what it is you really

want and discover how to permanently break through any barriers that are holding you back.

You will learn how to apply the specific tools and strategies for turning your dreams into reality. This live event is for people who have always wanted to think, live and create like a millionaire.

When you complete this exciting and insightful three day journey, you will have transformed your thought process and have a new ability to go far beyond your current thinking and break out of your current thinking patterns

At the Richer Life Experience you will discover how to understand

and deal effectively with the extraordinary and often unanticipated,

events and challenges that life delivers.

You will find yourself breaking out of your current thinking patterns that have been holding you back.

At the conclusion of this event you will walk out with a new Millionaire Consciousness
and Mindset; you will be free to create new and unique solutions to previously unsolvable problems from an entirely new prospective; free to create new possibilities and new opportunities.

It’s a fact; people’s mental assumptions or paradigms are responsible for setting their
boundaries thereby limiting their vision, potential and results.

How? By limiting the solutions available to them, people are only able to examine opportunities and challenges through the realities of their current mindset and perception.

The Richer Life Experience teaches you a very unique and powerful option to your current thought processes which the majority of people employ.

As doctors operate on eyes with the precision of laser surgery, during the Richer Life Experience you will witness first hand your own life being changed as Dr. Rick C. Ernst operates on your thoughts and thought processes with equal precision, preparing you to achieve immediate, outstanding personal and professional results.

A Life Changing Event For Anyone And Everyone

The Richer Life Experience is truly a life changing event for anyone and everyone; business people, entrepreneurs, singles, married couples, parents, teenagers, and grandparents.

People from all walks of life attend this one-of-kind experience. Regardless of their age, background or current circumstances, participants leave this event with a new clarity of mind,a new vision and tools to create the life of their dreams and enjoy living the Richer Life.

The Richer Life Experience delivers the most up-to-date success strategies, tools and resources available for creating an extraordinary quality of life – where you not only achieve your ultimate personal and professional goals, but you also experience the profound fulfillment you desire and deserve.


“By far, the best thing I ever did for my career was to go to the Richer Life Experience.” Bill T.

“I did exactly what you told me to, and it worked perfectly. I’m on top again.”

Gary O.

“My employees tell me I’m like a different man. My wife says she can’t believe the change.
I am taking my whole family to your next event.”Harry L.

“Thanks for showing me my blind spots.”
Fred M.

To Register For The Richer Life Experience click here

“The Richer Life Experience totally changed my life. It is the most valuable thing I have ever done for myself”John B.

“Our relationship is now better than it’s ever been we will be forever indebted to you for your coaching at the event.”
Mark and Linda L.

“It’s been over months since our team attended the Richer Life Experience and our managers are still talking about it.
And best of all, our sales and profits are higher than ever, thanks for everything Dr. Rick.”Brad P.

“Your event saved my marriage. Once I knew what was wrong I was able to do fix it. Thank you, Thank you!”
Joan T.


“I’ve lost 35 lbs., have not smoked a cigarette in over eight months, and my wife and I are like two teenagers in love.I can’t thank you enough.” Mel S.

To Register For The Richer Life Experience click here

“I don’t know what your seminar did, but it has given me back my husband. Thank you very much…”Cathy D.

“At the event I saw how I had been sabotaging my life and didn’t even know it. Now I have a life that works, thanks.”
Sue T.

“As you know, I used to be scared to death to stand up in front of people. Thanks to you, 
I now actually enjoy it, and everyone in the company tells me I’m much more effective” Sam V.

“All I can say is: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Tommy E.

“You said it would be a life changing experience, and you delivered. I’ll be back again.” 
Ted K.


To Register For The Richer Life Experience click here