Joint Ventures Inquiries


In the past companies handled most tasks in-house however, in today’s marketplace joint ventures have changed the way leading companies do business.

Just as the Internet has changed the way we find customers and deliver our goods, services and information, joint ventures have changed the way companies now attain increased profits.

In managing our own business and in coaching those we serve, we believe in assembling the best team available for every project. Many times that requires the formation of a joint venture.


Our Core Values

When we proactively combine forces, we seek partners that are fully aligned with our core values. We
work well with partners who also believe in and deliver value-added results, continuous improvement, teamwork, creativity, trust, loyalty, honesty and integrity.

Every month we receive numerous requests to work with Dr. Rick C. Ernst in some capacity. In order
to assist us in managing your request in a timely manner, we appreciate your completing the following questionnaire. Simply fill out the form below and then press send at the bottom of the form.

We respect all of your personal and proprietary information. As such, this questionnaire will remain completely confidential at all times and will only be used to assess whether we are a good match.

In order to protect your intellectual property, please do not send additional information until requested
to do so, at that time we will be prepared to sign a non-disclosure agreement.



    Please type the characters in the box below.

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    Company Name:

    Contact Name:

    Best time to reach you, please include your time zone:


    Email Address:

    Web Site:

    Do you know Dr. Rick C. Ernst? If so, how and have you worked with him before? If so, in what capacity?

    What industry are you in?

    What does your request pertain to? (Check as many boxes as appropriate)

    Years you have been in this business:

    Your average business revenue:

    Below six figuresLow to mid six figuresHigh six to seven figuresOver seven FiguresNeeds Funding

    Status of project:

    Your target market is…

    Size of your email database:

    What are the demographics of your list?

    Describe the scope of your project or request. (80 words or less)

    What are you requesting specifically of Dr. Rick C. Ernst? (80 words or less)

    What is the income and benefits to
    Dr. Rick C. Ernst?

    What is the financial impact of this project? The ROI?

    To submit the above details, simply click the send button below.