Effective Communications And Public Speaking


A Message From Dr. Rick C. Ernst  

Here are four facts that should inspire you to immediately reserve your seat  in our next available Effective Communications and Public Speaking – Live Event:

1. The Coaching Institute (TCI) utilizes the services of its senior instructors who have over 200 years of combined experience in coaching, public speaking, conducting live events, as well as radio and television communications. During the Effective Communications and Public Speaking
– Live Event these experienced professionals will help you to develop the skills and learn the mechanics necessary to deliver effective presentations and powerful commanding speeches.

2. Many people who attend this event discover they have a hidden talent which will allow them to fulfill their hidden desire and become a professional speaker, trainer, or event leader. While numerous conventions and live events feature celebrity speakers, most do not. The majority of the speakers at these events are professional speakers who have yet to obtain celebrity status.

3. The public speaking business is a $40 billion dollar a year industry which continues to grow at a fantastic rate. Current statistics show that there are more than 15,000 live events, public lectures and conventions conducted every single day in the United States alone.

Through the hands-on coaching and instruction you will receive at the Effective Communications and Public Speaking – Live Event you will discover how to take full advantage of these exciting and very lucrative

4. To meet the demand of our increasing live event schedules, The Coaching Institute is expanding our instructor and public speaking staff. You may very well qualify to become a full or part-time participant in our international expansion program. Potential opportunities for you with TCI include conducting presentations in your home-city and region as well as instructing at one of our many live events.

Due to the individual attention given to every participant at
Effective Communications and Public Speaking, each event is limited
 a small number of participants and seats fill quickly:

Here you will experience three positive days you will never forget.
At this live event you will learn the most valuable skill of all;
how to communicate effectively with people in
front of one or one thousand.

I look forward to meeting you at the live event and assisting you in expanding your successful communications and public speaking skills through this unique presentation and public speaker training experience.

Success to you,

rick signature

Rick C. Ernst, Ph.D.
Founder, CEO-Chairman
The Coaching Institute, LLC 


Live Event Overview

As the saying goes… Talk is cheap but powerful presentations are priceless!


rlcpublicspeakingEvery Generation Rewards Those People Who Make Effective Presentations With Riches And Honor

At the Effective Communications and Public Speaking – Live Event, Dr. Rick C. Ernst will equip you with the information and skills you need to make your presentations reflect your new found power at the podium.

This three-day experience provides you with the opportunity to learn, practice, and perfect exciting insightful presentation strategies and techniques. While attending this live event, you participate in non-threatening real life experiences and have the opportunity to speak on your feet on several occasions.

You will learn how to organize your thoughts and to develop techniques for preparing your presentations, thus making you become more effective as a presenter, persuader, informer, trainer, and motivator, mastering the skills that are imperative for a successful public speaker and communicator.

The Purpose Of This Event

This is an opportunity where you can focus exclusively on your presentation and communication skills. This live event provides a unique arena for the concentrated practice of your speaking skills in an instructional, supportive environment. You will leave with polished presentation skills helping you to become the best speaker you can be.


Live Event Highlights

Individual, personal one-on-one instruction is provided by Dr. Rick C. Ernst and other senior instructors and staff. This portion of the event is specifically designed to provide you with the most salient facts and exciting concepts that will assist you in delivering more powerful, effective presentations, training sessions, and speeches.


You In The Spotlight

rlcspotThe quickest and most effective way to learn how to make a great presentation is to be involved in a hands on manner, therefore this event provides you several opportunities to be on your feet speaking before the assembled participants under
the watchful eye of our instructors and staff.

Your personal speaking and presentation will be videotaped.

You will receive insightful and invaluable individual feedback at the conclusion of each of your presentations.

The playback of this video provides our instructors the opportunity for a professional and informative critique that allows you to see your abilities in action leading to tremendous personal growth as a presenter and communicator.

What You Will Do

• Select key skills to work on and develop during the event

• Deliver 3 presentations during the event to your class

• Receive comments on the skills selected for improvement our instructors

• Receive feedback on other presentation skills from our instructors

• Be videotaped during each speaking presentation

• Receive videotape that includes your presentations, the instructor’s responses and the discussion that followed your presentations

• Experience rapid personal growth through self-diagnosis of your presentations after each speaking opportunity using the videotape and constructive comments

You Will Learn How To

Hold people’s attention while you are speaking, sell your ideas and get the results you want. Become a more confident, dynamic and a persuasive presenter.


You Will Build Strong Communications Skills Such As

How to think on your feet when challenged with an unexpected, difficult or negative question

• The steps of assertive communication that will put power and confidence in your presentations

Easy-to-use assertive listening techniques that will make all your communications more effective

How to effectively handle put downs, slurs and insults

• Positive techniques for delivering constructive feedback to co-workers, employees, even your boss

• When you are on the receiving end; how to accept and learn from negative feedback without becoming hurt or angry

• How to handle it when you are criticized in front of others

• Use the habits and secrets of highly effective speakers

• Create a more dynamic style of speaking

• Effectively use humor

• Sell your ideas to a group

• Use your voice for maximum impact

• Develop and using the art of charisma

• Make dull facts and figures come to life

• Answer questions with ease

• Look like a professional speaker

• Deal with hostile audiences

• Use notes inconspicuously

• Use the powerful benefits of eye contact

• Cut your preparation time in half

• Gather spellbinding material from your personal experiences

• Apply proven techniques for handling nervousness

• Learn to enjoy giving presentations

• Avoid the deadly sins that put audiences to sleep

• Use professional and proven techniques for becoming a powerful and memorable public speaker


Powerful Skills You Will Put To Work Immediately

Increase your influence; create a polished and effective
communication style

• Learn the skills that signal you are to be taken seriously

• Discover secrets to gaining instant respect

• Win the support of others for your ideas and positions

• Confidently ask for (and get!) what you want

• Use powerful communication techniques to resolve
differences, defuse anger and win negotiations

Overcoming Jitters And Stage Fright, Discovering How To

• Overcome the most common reasons for feeling anxious in front of
an audience

• Keep from choking up and losing your train of thought while delivering your presentation

• Get right back on track after a mistake or miscue

• Use humor to put yourself and your audience at ease


You Will Learn Proven Ways To

• Capture your audience’s attention in the first sixty seconds

• Understanding your audience so you can tailor your presentation to their needs and expectations

• Collect research quickly for your speech

• Overcome the pause when your mind goes blank

• Use high-impact words that sell your ideas and concepts to your listeners

• Use phrases that help you smoothly shift gears from one idea to
the next

• Produce professional looking power point presentations and handouts that make lasting impressions

• Improve and protect your voice

• Use eye contact to build rapport

• Title your speech to attract a larger audience

• Dress and enhance your credibility and personal power

• Find humor and anecdotes and weave them into your presentations

Who Will Benefit From Attending

Anyone who wishes to sharpen his or her presentation skills will benefit from attending the Effective Communications and Public Speaking – Live Event. If you are just starting out or already consider yourself a good public speaker and you wish to become even better this event is for you.


Who Attends
This Event

Company presidents, public relations specialists, trainers, coaches, marketing VP’s, salespeople, professional speakers, MLM leaders, engineers, politicians, attorneys, educators, production supervisors, bankers, human resource professionals.

Practical Reasons
To Enroll Now

Earn a great return on your investment. This event will pay rich, positive dividends year after year.

We deliver to you a foundation of years of meticulous research and development in the instructional areas of public speaking and effective communications.

This dynamic, three-day experience is the most comprehensive, how-to, public speaking training event available anywhere.


Free Bonus Session

rlc podium

The Effective Communications and Public Speaking – Live Event officially begins each day at 9:00 AM and concludes at 5:00 PM. However, on the third day at 5:45 PM the 90-minute bonus session entitled; “Steps to Professional Public Speaking” will be presented.

This bonus session is provided free of charge for those individuals who have an interest in learning about becoming a professional
public speaker.

The “Steps To Professional
Public Speaking”

This bonus mini-event is an introduction to the professional side of public speaking.

You Will Learn How To

• Enter the field of professional public speaking

• Set your speaking fees

• Start public speaking full or part-time

• Begin your career as a professional instructor and trainer

• Work with speakers’ bureaus and agencies

• Join professional speaking associations to further your career

• Acquire and use prepackaged materials, complete with a leader’s guide and student workbooks: ideal for those professionals who wish to conduct live events but have not as yet developed their own materials


To Reserve Your Seat In The Next Effective Communications and Public Speaking Live Event Register Now