8 Richer Life Principles From Harold Sherman

Below are eight principles of the free enterprise code of persistence, which were first printed in a slightly different form in Harold Sherman’s book, “How to Turn Failure into Success.” I’ve made them fit a free enterprise model for success, the same free enterprise system that has given rise to the publication of my own book, “Richer Life Secrets.”

The first principle: I will never quit persisting when I know that what I am doing is right.

The second principle: I will persist daily, praying and believing that all things will work out for me.

The third principle: I will be courageous, undismayed, and persistent in the face of all odds.

The fourth principle: I will not permit anyone or anything to intimidate me or deter me from persistently working to complete my goals.

The fifth principle: I will not be discouraged I will persist again and again until I accomplish my goals.

The sixth principle: With my persistence, I will see a setback as a setup to succeed.

The seventh principle: I will persistently persist. I know that all successful people have had to fight adversity and failure. I will follow the pathway they have unselfishly blazed for me.

The eighth principle: I will never surrender to discouragement or despair. I will persist until all obstacles are completely conquered.

Rick C. Ernst, Ph.D.
